Information 09-12-2023

The installation of the rector of the University of Tlemcen, Pr. Meghachou Mourad, president of the local committee of the Wilaya for the promotion of university sports

Embodiment of the priorities to activate and improve sports practice in academia and in the context of the resurgence of school and university sports, in application of the calendar of cultural activities and events Academic year 2023/2024, Pr.MEGHACHOU Mourada was installed this Thursday, December 7, 2023 as President of the Local Committee of the wilaya for the Promotion of University Sport for one year , this installation meeting was held in the presence of Mr. Abdelhalim Makri, Director of Youth and Sports of the wilaya of Tlemcen and Mr. GHANEMI Mustapha , Deputy Director of Sports and Cultural Activities, representatives of the Director of University Services Tlemcen and Mansourah, as well as Mr. Dib Elarabi, President of the league of the wilaya of university sport in Tlemcen and director of the office of youth institutions Tlemcen, the deputy director of general means Mr. Abbas Amine representative of the secretary general.